I haven't really mentioned the whole roommate search that took place between late May and late June. I posted three Craigslist ads, received 2-8 responses per ad and actually showed the place to three people. Of those three, none took it. One woman wanted the bedroom furnished. Another, well, she seemed nice but non-commital. The last came with her mother and asked about bus routes. None called back. Now this might suggest that the apartment blows and that I am entirely rude or off-putting to these people. I don't think either is true. It's the luck of the draw, really. My new roommate is named S., he hasn't arrived yet and I have never met him in person. I found him through Quakerly channels, it was sort of a Craigslist of a different kind (that's funny to about three people). I am hoping that we will get along. It has been a while since I lived with a dude that I wasn't sleeping with...but, when I think about the dudes with whom I lived with in a non-romantic context (5?), I remember the experiences, as a whole and in the end, all fondly. He seems to have a good head on his shoulders and we share a few similar interests, so I think it'll work out. I google image searched 'new roommate' and these are the images that came up in the top spots.
Maybe my roommate will have a beard and I will scratch it while someone takes a blurry photograph of us. What a great memory!
I don't really understand this. The dialogue bubbles (there must be a more proper term) are confusing and the actual words just don't make a lot of sense to me. Narrative fail (or cc Fail).
This is moderately more interesting and not without the possibility of humor, though it doesn't apply to my upcoming living situation. I did once live in an apartment above a lesbian couple and I most certainly heard them when they were intimate (I did not, however, pleasure myself at the same time).
This accompanied a pretty funny Onion piece. I rediscovered cereal last month by the bye.
S. arrives on Monday and I have been cleaning one area after the other in preparation for his arrival. The problem is that I started too soon. The rugs have been vacuumed, but not so recently that Zul's hair hasn't already reasserted itself as part of the their pattern and color scheme (grrr). And I am a clutter magnet. I do leave little piles of things to deal with later all over my space. So, since D. hasn't been in the apartment since the 22nd, I've made a few more piles in the commonspace (I did not do this when D. was home because I have manners). So now I have all these frackin areas I need to re-organize, both in my bedroom and in the greater apartment. Sigh. Is it simply that I'm lazy? Or can one really be naturally better or worse at cleaning and staying organized? I know people work at it, but what if, even if I worked at it, my environments would always fall back to their natural state of dishevelment? Saturday and Sunday will become days of cleaning...and watching the final two discs of the last season of Battlestar Galactica (I have not written at length about how much I have fallen for this show and its storylines and characters but serious watching has been taking place).
I found him through Quakerly channels, it was sort of a Craigslist of a different kind (that's funny to about three people).
I am one of those people.
dylan (or should i say agent bearcat?...probably not),
i like that you are one of those people. but i wonder if you find it funny for the same reason i found it funny. do you know craig?
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