Thursday, July 09, 2009

Portobello Mushrooms, Spinach and Spring Onions With Red Wine Vinegar Finish

Every Thursday my coworkers and I walk to the nearby farmer's market and buy ourselves produce. Most often I find myself at the Mennonite/Amish stand. At one point I bought spinach, spring onions and green beans. And later on, with the help of Whole Foods Portobello mushrooms, I made a little red wine vinegar garlicky goodness spinach, spring onion and mushroom stir fry. Seriously, it was much better than I thought it would be. I was quite pleased with myself.
Also, have I mentioned my most recent obsession? Battlestar Galactica, that's what it is. Shame, I feel none of it. Saul Tigh's wife is a bi-atch.

1 comment:

Mushrooms Canada said...

Yum! You had me at mushrooms, spinach and onions! This mixture would taste fabulous as part of an omelette, or even a quiche! Thanks for the inspiration.
- Brittany