Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Can You Tell It's My Day Off and I Don't Want To Clean or Write My Novel?

After the attic we went, briefly, to Stargaze. I had been once before but only to grab a quick bite before a Neo Futurist show...it was very dead that night. But on Sunday the bar was chock full of lesbian jocks singing karaoke an playing darts. The college chum took photographs. I sat. Neither of us got a drink because we didn't know how long we'd be there. The college chum's friend and date worked the room. By worked the room all I mean is that they said hello to a lot of people. Then we left. College chum took the photograph below...if she had any sense she would have taken it horizontally so I wouldn't have to worry so much. Gawd.
Our last stop of the night was Ravenswood Pub. I've been meaning to check this place out just because. It wasn't very crowded and was homey...which makes sense because it really used to be a house. In the back room was a cabinet full of games. The college chum's high school friend's date and I played boggle while the other two played connect 4. I like games.
This is an action shot...you see because the little coins are still falling out of the bottom of the whozit whatzit. You know?
It is my day off. And I got up around 8:30 am. I have written one Chicagoist post, picked up and put away all the clothing on the floor of my bedroom, replaced books onto a bookshelf, swept my bedroom, the dining room, living room and the hallway, made my bed and straightened out (without actually tackling the big pile of papers on it) my desk. This is a pretty good amount of doing. Except for the Chicagoist post, however, it was all just a way to delay the novel file. I've got a character who just figured something out and, in my mind, plans on doing something about it...problem is I don't know what she should do/would do. So I haven't touched the thing since she figured it out. Two, maybe three, weeks ago? I may write about photographs. Or about relationships. Basically I'm going to blog until there's nothing left to blog about and then maybe I'll get something done. Bo-ring.

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