Monday, February 07, 2011

Village Whiskey Burger and Tomatoes

At some point in early January, ish, L. texted me and asked if I wanted to head into Center City and get a burger from Village Whiskey. I had only a bit more work to do, and found this the perfect incentive to get it done efficiently. We sat along the back wall area, which isn't quite as nice as a table by the window, but could be worse. I thought about branching out and trying a different pickled offering, but decided I liked the tomatoes too much to deviate. I did, however, try a new drink. It was a cold day, so I ordered a hot toddy. A much simpler version than the fun house style toddies I've turned to in recent years, but warming.
This time I went with the mushrooms and goat's cheese. Pleasurable. That's what this burger was.


nc catherine said...

The burger looks delish. So tell me about these pickled things, are the juicy red tomatoes really pickled and served in the cute old timey pickling jar? Or are they not really pickled but marinated or something? Very cool idea, the jar.

I finally broke open the overly large jar of giant green olives stuffed with garlic...the bigger version of the Christmas box sodium intake went through the roof and I longed to have a dirty martini-drinking pal....made myself stop at 2 olives but I could have kept going, happily...totally hear ya on the pickled thingies.

cc said...

They're like cherry tomatoes lightly marinated. They're not totally pickled--too sweet for that--but omg and ugh, so good.

nc catherine said...

Ah glad to know they are not totally pickled. Why I don't know, maybe their cheerful plumpness made me feel all inferior as a pickle maker. Or not. They do look like something I would want to try to make tho!