Sunday, September 11, 2011

Photos on the Go

So, a few months back I bought an iPhone. It may have been the best or worst decision of my life. I now have a pretty raging addiction to Angry Birds that will never quite be satiated, and am always looking to play more Words With Friends. I've also taken to using the phone's camera to take the occasional photo. Many of which are of my cat, it turns out. Below are the majority of successful photos I have taken with my little iPhone pal. Zul likes it when I make him into the bed.
I saw this walking down 22nd street some time in the spring. It seemed mysterious at the time, but I think someone told me it's a band?
I think this was a slurpee in Bucks County back when L. and Fat T. came up to play.
This is a bird I saw that same Bucks County weekend.
This I noticed on my way to maybe the dentist on or very near the day that many thought would be RAPTUROUS. I conjectured that the ladder was to help the chosen ones get to heaven even more quickly.
The ominous skies on my drive down to Maryland for the Preakness and Mom's memorial.
The view out the bedroom in which I stayed during that same Maryland weekend. Beautiful way to wake up.
The copious amounts of Heineken for the memorial; Heineken and my mother will forever be tied together, though she ended up changing her beer palate in the last few years if I recall correctly.
Yuengling, book and crab in the Outer Banks.
I think this is a Bucks County sunset.
These are my feet during a Bucks County rain storm.
Zul saying hello to me as I came home from work.
A beautiful early summer day in Philly.
New York City Costcos have ESCALATORS! For the carts as well as people!
I took this some time late last month. Pretty funny, I thought.
A fooled-around-with photo of the road I drove in the Adirondacks.
Zul roaring.
My window.
Some of the foodstuffs I purchased for the hurricane.
Sometimes my face looks like this, but not always.
Hurricane Irene's wind on the deck.
Hurricane Irene's early rain.
A different day altogether. We've been having some pretty beautiful skies.

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