Saturday, September 24, 2011


After my breakfast I walked back home and prepared myself for the drive I planned on making up to Brooklyn in order to once again enjoy the wonder of a Pigoatyster night. Once properly overprepared for a one night's stay away, I drove to Brooklyn. The drive went pretty well until I got off the New Jersey turnpike and made my way towards the 278 on ramp. Then I pretty much sat in traffic for half an hour. In the end, however, I arrived in Brooklyn. The pigoatyster fest didn't happen until later in the evening, so after hanging out with L. and Fat. T at their place, L. went to a kickball game while I went to Apartment 138 to have a beer with M. and T. This was a pretty impromptu plan, and I was a little trepidatious about it. M. and I haven't hung out since we watched Get Smart together in 2008. I had accidentally run into T. during one of my visits to Brooklyn over the past year, but I think the last time I was part of a group hanging out with him I still lived in Chicago. So it's been a while, and they were really my ex's friends more than mine, or certainly started out that way. So I did worry that we'd have nothing to talk about. But it was actually quite nice to catch up and I enjoyed two beers and deviled eggs to boot.
Then with a hasty goodbye to M. and T. I was meeting up with Fatty and S. and walking to E.'s to bask in piggy glory, goaty and oystery glory. Here lies the pig.
That guy with the knife was a very good pig cutter. This year I avoided sauces and happily ate my pig straight up.
I missed getting in on the oysters, but I accept that.
There were a good number of other treats for consumption, including sesame noodles, individual little lasagna type things and cabbage salad.
A strawberry cheesecake kind of thing.

It was great to see some familiar faces and to enjoy a nice night in Brooklyn. At the end of the night I got stuck in L. and Fat T.'s stairwell and slept there until the fire department could come help me in the morning. It was awkward for everyone.


Davy1Cub said...

It seems too bad not to the oysters
and how were you stuck in the stair?

cc said...

Well, that's a joke. I wasn't really stuck:)