Thursday, May 21, 2009

Black Eyed Susan Day at Pimlico

Last Thursday I made my way to Silver Spring, Maryland to meet up with my parents at our old friends/neighbors' house. I did this in order to attend two days of racing at Pimlico: Black Eyed Susan Day and Preakness day. More on that later. Right now this is a picture from is the official drink (whiskey and vodka with orange juice and something) of the races in a commemorative glass.

What else? I took Zul to the vet the other day, he seems to be doing well on the whole. He's 18.4 pounds, which is less than an ideal weight for a cat but...we'll see. I'm gearing up for my two week vacation in Tennessee, which really means I'm thinking about how that's going to happen but not packing or planning. Woo.


nc catherine said...

Whoa whiskey and vodka and orange juice and something? Wow that is some drink.

And that is some fat cat. He is to fat cats what Clara is to fat dogs...FAT. Cuddly and wonderful, but alas, fat. As is Clara's main person, sigh.

HinTN said...

Well, we have found that "diet" doggie fud from the coop actually has caused our ticks to shed pounds and become (amazed!!!) much more active.

As for the drink, I guess ya gotta be there. OTOH, General Kirby-Smith's punch sounds awful but it is tasty and can really stoke an aging New Years Eve crowd through the big event.

And, as to visitatin' please give us a shout when you gets here.

cc said...

I must say the drink wasn't bad...but I don't think it was very strong either.

I'm thinking about trying to have Zul switch from dry food to wet food, but we'll see how that goes.

Will do with the shout out.