Thursday, January 22, 2009

Whispering Fabulous In A General Direction

After cards and conversation it was decided that going out was the way to go. So, out we went. Our first stop was crowded and wasn't really a stop (we walked in the door, we walked out the door) then we we to Turkey's Nest Tavern for a drink. K. made friends with a character while J. and I bonded over, well, we bonded and it was fabulous. J. also tried some sort of frozen absinthe concoction that didn't look good (but that's because I don't like the taste of absinthe, so no matter what form it comes in, it won't deceive me). Then, on the opposite side of the bar spectrum, we went to Sugarland. My first dance-heavy gay bar experience. I did not dance.
J. and K. posed.
K. and I took a series of unflattering photographs.

And I don't know what this was. Playing with a scarf/thinking about jackals?

1 comment:

JJS III said...

Aren't we ALWAYS thinking of jackals?