Thursday, January 22, 2009

So Bad, It's Good

As we walked home in the cold snowy night we passed a place with the option of buying fried chicken at 1-2 in the morning. J. encouraged K (who banged the hell out of his elbow earlier in the night) and I (who stupidly wanted to wear my only pair of heels in the snow) to continue trekking back to their apartment and promised that he would soon follow with delicious fried chicken. This he did do. It was delicious, in that 'it's very late' kind of way. The mashed potatoes that came with, not so much. Ditto for the biscuits and macaroni salad....ESPECIALLY the macaroni salad. I don't know where this food came from exactly, but I believe palace, fried and chicken were all in the title.

1 comment:

JJS III said...

I think my stomach is still recovering from this late night meal!