Tuesday, March 04, 2008


Sunday was beautiful...it seems it was also beautiful in New York and Chicago...and I can only assume it was beautiful in Key West too, the bastards. At some point in the afternoon I borrowed T. and C.'s car and did a few errands (groceries, resume paper etc). It has been quite a while since I drove a car. Last time was in North Carolina and that was driving to a dentist's appointment. It felt good, if a little nerve racking, to be driving on such a warm (we're talking definite low 60s) day. It was the kind of day, back in college, that I would definitely drive to the Dunkin Donuts order me a huge iced coffee and then drive around the country roads of the mid-Huson Valley region. So I went through a Starbucks.
Then took my computer out back and did a little writing, a little sipping. I wasn't alone...in the sitting...I don't think C. sipped nor wrote.
Casper was a good lying down outside dog.

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