Friday, March 21, 2008

Foxy Fox

Can you believe it? I was sitting on my neighbors absolutely amazing back porch when I saw this foxy fox trot right past me! Then I ran inside the house and scrambled from window to window trying to get a shot...then out to the front porch, leaning at funny angles and trying not to spook the little guy. In my bare feet I walked a ways down the hill and took this, the best photograph, before he had enough of my ridiculous behavior and jauntily went deeper into the woods.

I like foxes.


Anonymous said...

That fox is clearly the great grand something of one that used to cruise the edge of Rock Creek and lope along the road below the Mormon palace. I would see it in the evening, its long slim legs carrying it along, nose high and tail at the ready. What cool pictures!

Anonymous said...

Just thought I'd mention it:
I just love reading your blog.

cc said...

I wish there were foxes in Bloomington...specifically in the backyard. Oh well.

Huckleberry, thank you...I love that you love reading my blog. Tell your friends! Add yourself to my map! Find me a job!

Okay you don't have to do any of those things. I was just joking.