Wednesday, July 26, 2006


So I'm not always good at paying attention to things. Small things, big things, all kinds of's one of my most endearing qualities, everybody says so. Yeah, they say 'you know what I love about you, cc?' and I say 'no, I don't, why don't you tell me' and then they say 'I love how you don't pay attention to things' and I say 'what?'. Anyways, today I have paid a little attention to very unimportant Lance Bass being gay...yeah, he's gay.
And Chicago's City Council saying yes to the Big Box Ordinance...take that Walmart (or if you're looking at it a different way 'take that Chicago economy and job seekers') and Target! I would also, just since I'm here and all, like to say to those of you who think shopping at Target is far better than shopping at Walmart, um, they're both big and bad and you're not better than me. I'd tell you why but I stopped paying attention.

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