Sunday, February 12, 2006

Dueling Pianos?

Last night the boyfriend, a non-SAIC friend and I went out on the town. Briefly. We met up with some MFAers at the Town Hall Pub on Halstead. But we left almost as soon as we arrived. The next place we went was Slugger's near Wrigley Stadium. The appeal of Slugger's was the Dueling Pianos on the second floor. For a five dollar cover we got to see two men sit opposite each other and play a drunken crowd's song requests.
It kind of made me feel uncomfortable. Girls would get on top of the pianos and dance around the pole. Then the piano player on the right would pick up a flashlight and shine it up their skirts. It was gross. He was gross. We left before everyone else.

And they weren't dueling, they were dueting. I thought it would be cool if each piano key corrolated with a sharp sword or blade of some kind so that the men really had something to lose/something better to do than shine lights up drunk girls' skirts. Eh.

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