Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tuna Salad and Deviled Eggs c/o Bricktop's

Another night my father went over to have a drink and dinner with some Sewanee folk and I was left to my own devices. I chose to return to Bricktops and try their tuna salad while watching a Phillies playoff game; I think they ended up winning that game. The salad was decent, though I think a little less soy-y sauce on the tuna would have been more to my liking.
I sat at the bar and a couple sat down next to me and struck up a conversation. They asked if I was a photographer, I said no but that I did have a blog. Then the wife gave me a list of places in Nashville she felt were especially worth trying (Cafe Nonna among them) and then, as I often do, I asked them how they met, and they told me the short and long version. The longer version was more interesting and involved a break up over Christmas and her father telling her to, well, play hard to get. Now they're married happily and have twins, all because of a little subterfuge. Maybe this is my fatal flaw: I either say too much or nothing at all, but I never say the opposite of what I mean. Or maybe I do. Actually, yeah, sometimes I do. Sigh. It's so hard to be me.
I also tried a half order of their deviled eggs, which weren't quite as interesting as I might have hoped.
I mean, really. The father told his daughter not to return the guy's phone calls, to start dating other people, to be unavailable even when she wasn't...basically it seems like he was encouraging her to utilize 'the rules.' My mother has told me, throughout time, that I could benefit from being a little less straightforward or honest when it comes to dating, but it just seems crazy to go about dating in this fashion. Or not. I'm not sure what my point is here.

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