Saturday, January 16, 2010

Dinner c/o Erawan, Beer c/o Black Sheep

Last week, or the week before that, no, last week, B. came into Philly for a visit. So L., Ak, C. and I met up with her at Erawan for dinner. I have a problem with being places on time but, unlike most with this sort of problem, I end up getting places half an hour early instead of half an hour late. Of the two, I think I prefer my particular problem, but it does often lead to me finding myself somewhere with an awkward amount of time to kill. In this instance I just walked a few more blocks east and then south and then headed back up. Even so, I was still the first person of our party to arrive, so I ordered a Shirley Temple because it was on the menu and it sounded lovely. And it was. Do you see the little heart on the straw? Awwww.
For my meal I ordered the Tom Yum soup and the pork salad. The soup was really great, I've had some strange run-ins with Tom Yum over the years, which has caused me to question my understanding of what should, and should not, be included in the dish.
The salad was great too, a nice mix of texture and flavors...though I would have actually preferred the meat to be a little more dry.
After dinner we walked on over to the Black Sheep and got our drink on for a while.
It was lovely to see B. again, her departure from Philadelphia this summer was sad for our office and for many of our social calendars.
It was a good time. Full of C.'s hardcore hand signals and multiple late comers.

I actually ran into F. and T. in the bar's downstairs space and ended up hanging out with them for a while too. An altogether lovely evening. Thanks, also, to F. and T. for the ride home!

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