For NC Catherine I will try to make some semblance of a recipe but, honestly, I was flying by the seat of my pants:
1 head garlic
1 bag frozen chopped okra
4-6 ripe tomatoes, chopped
1 shrink wrapped package of baby bella mushrooms (though any hearty button type mushroom would do as well), chopped in want them to be succulent and cut no more than in half
1/2-3/4 cup tomato puree
2 cups vegetable stock
1 yellow onion, chopped
olive oil
cumin powder
coriander powder
fresh ginger root (about one tablespoon or so)
1 can coconut milk
olive oil
sea salt
fresh ground pepper
red pepper flakes
What You Do:
1. Roast your garlic in your oven.
2. In Dutch oven, sautee onion, ginger (peeled and shredded) and roasted garlic (I think I put about half the head in) until onion is soft.
3. Add the mushrooms, vegetable stock, tomato puree and spices in some kind of order. I totally forget which order. Let simmer for 5-10 minutes.
4. Add the okra and tomatoes. Simmer additional 10-15 minutes.
5. Taste it. Adjust spices as you see fit and simmer a little more.
6. Add whole can of coconut milk, stir to combine it with existing liquid and veggies.
7. Simmer on low, adjust spices as you see fit.
8. Serve over rice.
I know I haven't shared exact amounts of spices. It's because I was using the 'a dash here a dash there' method.
Mmmm roasted garlic! Talk about yummy. And coconut milk. Good meal.
Ok this looked incredibly good so lay out the ratios of spices etc! And did you find any galanga??? Yum I could eat some right now, curry I mean, not necessarily galanga!
NC Catherine thanks you, and this may be the dish I am looking for to serve on Wed. when I have class (online and in my dining room, unfortunately a big pain in the butt with idiot classmates and a moronic not-present prof. Sigh.) and the teenager does homework etc. Class ends at 7:30 and that is way to late to actually start something, but not too too late to eat something this yummy!
I just realized the ingredient I kept forgetting. Chickpeas. A can of chickpeas.
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