Saturday, July 05, 2008

Out of the City

After work on Thursday I headed north to Newtown to see E. and A. E. and A. and I went to high school together. E. is currently living in L.A. and I can't quite recall the last time I saw her...I think it was at her college graduation party and that would mean that it has been four years since we last saw each other's respective face. A. I have seen more recently. I swung by E.'s house and then we went on to A.'s where we found him in the garden doing some weeding, I guess.
We picked some basil from aforementioned garden then E. made pesto while A. boiled pasta while I stood around losing parts of my bracelet and talking about petty problems of my life.
Then we sat on the back porch and ate the food. It was quite badass.
There was also a little bocci played (my bocci ball set is always in my car just waiting for a swath of grass and relatively willing fellow players).
It was lovely to be in a more country setting again. It was even more lovely to spend an evening shooting the breeze with friends. And of course the bocci also lifted my spirits.


J said...

Does A.'s last name start with a C.? And does he live on like a Colonial farmstead? 'cause if so, I totally know that guy.

cc said...

That's right, you two tried to save the world together during your youth or something. Yes, A. is A.C.