Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Pizza on the Shores of Cayuga Lake

AS's family knows how to do pizza. In fact, the pizza I enjoyed as a result of their efforts made it to the Best of 2009. So I was glad to learn that Saturday's dinner would be a second opportunity to enjoy their pizza stylings. While AS's mother worked the dough, many of us enjoyed hummus with red peppers and cucumbers. I think later there was a stinky cheese?
The dough, rising. The sausage, browning.
I helped a little as far as putting toppings on the pizza. Or I cut basil and added goat cheese. That's really it.
I think four pizzas were made for the crowd. A nice mix of white and red, vegetarian and not vegetarian.
Complete with a nice green salad and a white wine. 
And soon after the meal came to a close, a fire came to a beginning.I was so glad to be lucky enough to return to this spot and a great, and often repeated, thank you goes to the whole S. family for being so welcoming!

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