Monday, November 14, 2011

Darts c/o McCrossen's Part IV?

After parting ways with A.S. I hoofed it up and over to McCrossen's for dart league night. The match up ended with another win for our team, though A.'s face in this photograph would suggest defeat.
I do find it interesting how these different people set themselves up for their throws. K. does this, while T.'s tendency for complete body relaxation has already been documented. A member of the other team had this weird hand circle, circle, circle throw thing. I just stand there, smile, look down at my boots, smile again because they're so great, then squint my eyes and aim to the best of my ability.
She-J. stopped in after a class she was taking and sat patiently throughout the majority of the game. If not all of it.
Post-game talk time.
Sippy sippy sip time.
Triple chin stupid face time (for me).
McDrunkyboots McGee did not make such an appearance as she did on our last match, for which I think we were all grateful.

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