Saturday, October 10, 2009

Primo's Hoagie and Schlubby-Ness

On one busy day we ordered Primo hoagies and two of my coworkers were kind enough to drive on down and pick them up. I ordered what I consider my favorite of their many options: the Sicilian, with mayo, pickles, long hot peppers and maybe tomato (not sure though). The peppers somehow had more of a kick then they usually do, so I ended up removing them, but no matter, still a great sandwich. L. and I split a bag of salt and vinegar chips as well. The dragon considered the chips the perfect stepping stool for a better looksee of the yummy.
Then he fell over.
So, I think that, maybe, for a day when I was skinny and 20 I had some semblance of style. But that was a long, long time ago and now I am almost always more firmly in the schlubby category of dressing. For example, for about a week I was using a binder clip to pull back my hair and I am not hip nor happening.
I want to go on What Not To Wear and be told to accentuate the narrowest part of my body and whatnot. Here s a nice start to that.

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