Monday, August 20, 2007


On Monday a former college colleague and now Chicago pal and her sister came over for dinner. I made the chicken I can't seem to get enough of this summer. Unfortunately my guests weren't quite on time and so the chicken suffered a bit in terms of staying in the oven about half an hour more than it really needed to. There were no complaints though. They brought a lovely bottle of wine and mini chocolate souffles! Souffles! They were very rich and good and marvelous. If you would like to make a souffle you can go here and see how I did it...I just saw, on television yesterday, a recipe for a vanilla souffle that looked and sounded like it would be delectable. Perhaps I should try that out.

1 comment:

cc said...

You know what's really funny about this post? Having just re-read it -having not looked at it since pressing "publish"- ha, well, that chicken dinner and souffle loveliness happened on Saturday. Not Monday. Today is Monday. I went to a whiskey tasting souffle, no chicken dinner. But rye whiskey! And senior citizens dressed in flapper out-fits!