So, I haven't really written about books read or movies viewed as of late. At this point it's difficult to even think about doing a roundup, as I have been logging a lot of quality time watching things (I am currently reading the Secret Garden as well). But I did want to check in and just touch on a few things I love about Friday Night Lights (FriNiLi). First, there is the character of Tim Riggins. So dreamy. So troubled.

Also, in the latest season there have been, in two separate episodes, shout outs to the Heartless Bastards (Matt and Julie go see them in one episode, and one of their latest songs is featured in the most recent episode), which is pretty great because I like their sound, man.

Also? Wallace from The Wire is on the show, and while I kind of wish his story line wasn't so typical, it's neat to see the actor all growned up.
Also? It is snowing and snowing and snowing here. Lots of snow. Our deck has accumulated quite the pile, at least a foot and a half with our own snow drifts. What to do with such a snowy day. What to do. What to do.
1 comment:
David Hudgins, screenwriter for Friday Night Lights is giving a craft lecture at the writer's conference this summer.
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