Sunday, February 14, 2010

Clear Lake Dreams

On Friday night I got home rather late, futzed around briefly, then went to bed. I dreamed that I was at a lake with an old friend. We had been to the lake together before, and it had been choked with plant life, algae and mud...but at this point in my dream, it was like a totally new lake. In my dream I kept saying 'I can't believe how clear it has become! It's so much clearer!' It was such a memorable dream I woke up and did a perfunctory google search for dream interpretation. Seems that this clear lake could be a good omen. If you believe in omens. According to my questionable sources:

To dream of clear water, foretells that you will joyfully realize prosperity and pleasure.

I would much rather joyfully realize something than to miserably realize it.

To dream of sailing on a clear and smooth lake, with happy and congenial companions, you will have much happiness, and wealth will meet your demands.

I wasn't sailing as much as standing on a dock but, hey, I have always wanted wealth to meet my demands.

Clarity of Water
No matter what form the water in your dream takes, have a look at its clarity for more insight into the symbol. Muddy water may indicate emotions that are muddled or may mean that your intuition is somehow blocked. Stagnant, algae filled water may indicate feelings of being stuck in some area of your life. Clear water can indicate feelings of serenity and clarity in your emotions.

While I do not feel very serene or clear, I still am going to take what my dreams can give me.

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