Monday, October 06, 2008

PBR, Bikers and Dancing

Later Saturday night my roommate D. and her friends C. and M. were going to a party. L. and I went too. This party took place at Vesuvio. I think the link is to the right place. Anywho, cans of PBR were extremely cheap. At one point a guy tried putting a ventilation hole in my beer with his key (there was a context for this) and it ended up spraying over M. and myself. It was smushed as well.
Then there was dancing. D. did the worm. These guys did this dance.
There was a large bike messenger community within the party. Lots of tattoos and whatnot.

1 comment:

Mark Lamoureux said...

Rachel didn't realize I was looking at your blog and said "That looks a little bit like Caroline."