Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A Day o' Kids

The Sunday before my trip I went over to J. and J.'s. She-J. and I went to Carpenter's Woods with the boys and traipsed about. N. fell over twice and didn't like it much. S. stayed on his feet.

This was after the second, muddy fall. I helped N. get his hands clean and he awarded me a little leaning wrist holding time.

S. was busy fighting off Sith lords or storm troopers. While N. was invoking the ground to come alive.
We then returned to their home where sandwiches were eaten, baseball (of a sort) was played and markers were liberally used on skin.

Then we went to a pretty kickass park. I don't know how She-J. does it...I basically took responsibility for looking out for S. for a while, and man does he run and run and run, and the park is so crowded with running children and parents worried about those running children falling over or getting kidnapped that it's quite the rotating worry cluster. Though not without a fair share of smiles.

And for dinner we had pizza.
A lovely day. I have always understood how hard it is to be a parent, but a day with She-J. confirmed it again...even when the kids are awesome, it's still a non-stop job.

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