Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Fickle, Strange Blogger

So for the last little while I've been trying to upload a certain photograph...but blogger was very insistent about that not being a possibility. And yet blogger didn't think twice about these three photographs. Fickle, fickle and strange blogger. These are badly photoshopped pictures from the dinner I had at Santorini's, thanks to the pageant friend's parents. We started out with the flaming cheese, an eggplant spread and a chicken salad...and oysters. The cheese, as always, was flamalicious until it got cold and kind of rubbery. I didn't try the chicken salad and the oysters didn't make me sick but weren't all that great in the true world of oysters.
For my entree I had the lamb artichokes. In person they looked a little more appealing than this photograph. Lamb, tender and on the bone, with fresh artichokes and vegetables in a butter lemon sauce. I think I would have liked it much better without the sauce. The lamb truly was amazing but overall it wasn't quite it. I went to Santorini's once before and was overwhelmed by their selection (though in my post I say I wasn't...who's to be believed?) and then a little let down by the actual quality of the food.
I thank the friend's parents for a wonderful meal...there was orange sorbet served in an orange and that was nice and refreshing.

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