Thursday, January 05, 2012

Last Minute Plan Brigade c/o Tria and Varga

Some time in December I was at home, all cozy with a new hair cut and plans to make chocolate chip peanutbutter cookies while watching Vampire Diaries, when my phone rang. It was BC, who recently moved to Philly and whom I have veritably stalked with suggestions for last minute things she might enjoy doing. She was calling to throw a LMP my way, as another high schoolian was going to be in town and they were planning on meeting up. Though the cookie/vampire plan was still very appealing, I thought it might be good for me not to sink so softly into that kind of comfy when conversation and new places beckoned. In the end I met up with BC and LS at Tria, where I enjoyed a glass of '06 Nebbiolo Blend and '09 Malevolent Kaiken Malbec. We then decamped to Varga Bar, where beer was enjoyed and we tried three of their snackies: fried pickles, fried calamari and the sliders.
The calamari was above average in its breading flavor and tender crispiness.
The sliders, which I had once before so long ago, held up pretty well to my memory of them.
This was a blackout stout I enjoyed. I managed not to blackout. Though I did end up going to the Bards and meeting up with LW.
And looking like this.
And this: Drunky McSquinty Face. I got a new hair cut that afternoon, and was reasonably pleased with the impact it had on, um, me?

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