Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Thanksgiving Airport Boredom

So I find myself in the Columbus airport with a little time on my hands. My flight should have left about an hour ago and has pretty much no chance of leaving for at least another hour. I just finished reading Running With Scissors and should be taking advantage of all this empty time to grade student papers and the like. Thing is that I don't want to. I mean, I will, soon ... but not at this very second in time ... is all. Thanksgiving was successful. I feel like a fraud about not doing anything super fancy in terms of dinner items. A 15.97 pound organic turkey (with a little bacon between its skin and meat), stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberry orange relish, gravy, brussels sprouts (that tasted like horseradish) and two types of pumpkin pies: the boyfriend kind and the me kind.
We have loads of leftovers.
Or we did before I left to go to Ohio with the 'rents. Two fun filled days of baby and older than toddler toddler type ... as well as many other nice faced relatives. Oh and we went to the track today and I lost.
I like pecan pie. My dad gave me a pretty nice fountain pen for my birthday (I'm older now). I wish that I could have a cigarette but that would involve going all the way back to arrivals and then going back through security. I think that I could make it time wise but it would be bad if I didn't. Google mail is not so much working right now so I can't even think about sidetracking myself for ten minutes with a heck of a lot of chicagoist emails. I may be back.

I like Devendra Banhart's Dogs Make Up The Dark.

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