Thursday, July 11, 2013

Family Photos, Pizza and Yogurt in Corolla's Outer Banks

After our margarita and chips interlude we went back to the house and it was time to wrangle all the various folks together for proof of our having gone on the trip. This wasn't quite as laborious as it could possibly have been. I have a tripod in my car, which I barely ever use, but it became quite handy in this circumstance, as did the timer function on my camera. Young K. at first refused to participate in the photographs, and is absent from this first shot.
But he was eventually cajoled to join us - however unwillingly - for the next two. You can see him at the top next to his dad and Cuz K.
And then we did a goofy one that K. misinterpreted as 'look as miserable as possible. If that had been the prompt he did a pretty good job:)
We also decided that the last meal would be best served without resulting in numerous dirtied dishes. That meant ordering pizza and buying paper plates. It was a pretty effective last meal.

Then Cuz K., S., all but the littlest kid and I went to a nearby self-serve yogurt joint. I made a mixed cup of cappucino and cookies and cream yogurts and then, as one often does when there are so many potential toppings to take into account, put too many conflicting toppings on. Good on the whole, but I think I might have been just as happy with a simple cone. Lesson learned. 

1 comment:

soggy nc catherine said...

These are great. And the presence of the odd beer bottle or two reminds me of all the Sewaneesia pix of weddings and such where even the bride had a beer in hand. Pizza and disposables seemed like the best option ever. Looks to me, from here, like it was a most successful multigenerational good time! Now if the rain would stop.........................