Saturday, September 14, 2013

Food Truck Party in Columbus

My only big stop was to Penn Alps. After that it was pretty much just me driving. I left Philly around 8 I think. And I got there a little after 5:30. Or something like that. In any case, I arrived at Cuz K. and A.'s house and it wasn't long thereafter that I had a beer in hand. They gauged my interest in a food truck festival in the city and you know I was on board. So off we went. Columbus, for those of you who aren't fans of cities not on a coast, is a nice town. Not too big, but a fair amount of stuff going on and I always feel like people seem happier or nicer, which I guess is a kind of midwestern thing. In any case the festival was well attended. We took a long walk around the perimeter, which was were all the trucks were, to determine what we were most interested in trying. Then we went in a few different directions to stand in line. I debated between barbeque and Jamaican, and ended up thinking that jerk chicken was the thing to do. It was a pretty substantial wait, but definitely good stuff. This was not jerk chicken made for a frail palate and packed quite a considerable punch in terms of spice. It was not terribly surprising to realize just how dumbed down and 'for white people' the jerk chicken I so thoroughly enjoyed in Jamaica really was.
A good evening indeed.

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