Monday, September 25, 2006

Ever Thing Look Better With Pitchers

Last night mousehead came over and watched Inspector Lynley with me (by god I love that show and public television for airing it on Sunday nights). But, more importantly, she helped the boyfriend and me finally get some art on our numerous walls. A week or so back she started asking us where we were going to put things. I think I did a fair amount of shrugging and the boyfriend may not have been, actually, in the room. So she started looking through what we had and suggesting possible arrangements. But it was late and so hammering things into the walls was out (considering the neighbors, dontchaknow), and for about a week or so framed images lay up against walls where mousehead thought they might go ... yesterday they made the big leap to actually being suspended on wallspace. Except for this first one, which is in the kitchen but still without a proper keeper-upper.
Some kitchen art. On the left is a photograph care of me. In the middle, a painting a high school friend and I made together. And on the right a photograph from a girl I was in college with.
A little nook for a little pic.
Another photograph made by a friend from college. This photograph, like many by this friend, really needs to be looked at close up.
Our entry way.
Our bedroom. I realize that you can't actually see what the image of this photograph is, but I made it and at first it just looks like a bunch of bedding but if you look much closer you can see a little snippet of my head...I took that photograph a million years ago and with my feet...I think it was working with the concept of hiding, but now I like to think of it as Find cc.
Our living room mantelpiece with volcano diptych.
Another angle of the living room.
And yet another angle of the living room with images you can't actually see...the images on the far wall are a diptych, kind of. About half a million years ago I lived in a tent for a summer. The image on the left is of the tent at the bottom of a steep hill (believe me it's there) and on the right is a photograph of a video still from a recording I made of the process of decamping. I'm standing next to the deflating tent looking pretty dejected, blonde and skinny.
Boat illustration and mirror. Oh, and of course, our trusty butler holding his head right below...and the flowers the boyfriend brought home the other day on the dining room table.
A mirror above my out-of-control dresser. Orginally the boyfriend hung the mirror so that when I stood in front of it I could only see most of my face (a little of my chin was cut off) but none of my neck or shoulders, mousehead could see even less of herself...but that has been fixed.
More things were hung but the photographs came out blurry or shitty or a lethal combination of the two. The house feels far more housey with stuff up. I have more photographs by people other than me I'd like to put up, but they've been rolled up for a year or two and are 20x24 thus hard to find frames to fit them, but maybe we'll get our frame on and be amazing. What?

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