Saturday, January 18, 2014

Dessert and Catan

 M&A and I went to dinner at S.'s house the next evening, which featured baked butternut squash and a creamy beef dish, neither of which photographed terribly well. In addition, there was dessert, which you can see above. Basically mini key lime pie treats whipped up by M. After a lovely dinner we then got down to the business of playing Catan. This was a 'mystery' set up and I had a pretty commanding lead and hold on a lot of the 'new world' but I went from being about six points ahead to losing all for my dillydallying and M.'s multiple victory point cards. Just how the Catan cookie sometimes crumbles. It was really lovely to see M&A. I had been unable to attend their wedding because they scheduled slap dab in the middle of my busy season at work, which pretty much equals not having the time or ability to fly across the country etc. So it was good to finally congratulate them in person and to hear more about the wedding from them.

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