A blog that used to chronicle my Philadelphia eating life, then life working on a sheep farm in the PNW, and now life in rural Virginia.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Statues and Heat
Yesterday I went and looked at a possible apartment to live in and the people that would go with the place. It was a townhouse. The room was too small for me. And the two girls I would live with were freshly graduated college students. Nice enough but I felt old just looking at them. I went and saw another place earlier this week that was pretty nice and the young woman and I got along pretty well too...but we'll see what comes of that. The place was about a mile away from where I currently live and closer to Center City. So I walked. It was so hot and sunny that I wore sunscreen and a hat. It was so unbearably hot. My god. By the time I got there my brow could start a sweat lodge (that makes no sense) and I had a serious case of hat head. After looking at the place I thought I'd meander back home through the heat. So I headed north and then west towards the art museum.

Then I took a few photographs of the statue/fountain in front of the museum.

Then I started worrying about heat stroke...not really, but I did tire of the heat, so I walked on home. I saw a boy pigeon courting some girl pigeons and that was it.
Out and About,
Dinner c/o North 3rd
On Friday night I went to dinner with my friend L. and her beau. Originally it seemed like a few other friends of L. were going to come along but, in the end, they didn't...which made it seem a lot like I was the third wheel on someone else's date. Technically this wasn't true but you know how it can be. We went to North 3rd. There was a 20 minute wait for a table so we pulled up bar stools and ordered beers (or in L's case wine). Then, strangely, we were told that the stools we were using were actually reserved for some other guys so we had to stand in the middle of the bar area for the remaining wait. Weird. I ordered the gazpacho. The gazpacho came with a dollop of guacamole. It had a nice bite to it and, considering the relatively hot days we've been having, was nice and cool.
I debated ordering the crispy chicken sandwich or the pulled pork sandwich. L.'s beau was similarly minded. In the end we played rock paper scissors to determine who would get which sandwich. I lost the three rounds so I ended up with the crispy chicken sandwich. It, too, had guacamole which I didn't like. Not that the guacamole itself was bad but that it was on my sandwich. Oh yes and tomatoes and bacon. The chicken was nice and crispy and very moist in a way that I liked. The bread was nice too. The french fries were not so great. Maybe I'm losing my taste for french fries? Maybe Philadelphia restaurants have a different standard for what makes a good fry and it does not correlate with my own? Yes. Perhaps.
L. ordered the tuna burger and her beau had the pulled pork. I tasted the tuna and it was pretty good though maybe a little salty. Her beau mentioned that the pulled pork was definitely not up to a southerner's standards. The restaurant was dark and the music was a little on the loud side, making conversation a little difficult. The decorations were wacky and whatnot. I think I'd go back not on a Friday night. Was the food amazing? No. Sigh. It was highly functional food, not bad and not average just not wowza. I think I've lost my sense of food a little bit.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Behind the Times

Friday, June 27, 2008
It does really seem like the world is falling apart faster than it used to. I need to start stockpiling gallons of water and gas and canned goods and cash money. It's funny because I won't do that...but it actually is probably a good, if a little crazy, idea.
I mean, have you read The Road? No? Well you should.
Yes? Well I have a whole list of other books that seem pretty right on about how, once the world falls apart, we'll have to survive. And I'm telling you gas and water and canned goods are pretty key...and kindling.
I mean, have you read The Road? No? Well you should.
Yes? Well I have a whole list of other books that seem pretty right on about how, once the world falls apart, we'll have to survive. And I'm telling you gas and water and canned goods are pretty key...and kindling.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Speaking of self-control. Today I made an attempt not to smoke any cigarettes at all. This is somewhat an ongoing attempt except today was the first time I even really tried since the last time I really tried (which was last summer/fall...though when my father was in the hospital it was relatively easy to get down to 5 secret cigarettes a day). I got to 6:00 before I faltered/caved. In other words you know what I didn't do today at work? Smoke a single cigarette or have a proper lunch! Instead I ate a little over 1/4 cup of Flavor Tree honey roasted almonds (they're like crack only better because you never are tempted to kill anybody for them), half a roll of life savers, three pieces of gum (well I didn't eat the gum) and three or four cups of Earl Grey Tea.
One large problem is my lack of logic. I somehow feel like if I don't watch television (an addiction all its own) and read a book instead then it's okay for me to have a cigarette. Or that if I don't watch television and read a book it's okay that I haven't really walked anywhere other than work. When you have so many things you like that aren't particularly good for you then you find yourself playing them off of one another, illogically. Clearly it's better to watch television than smoke cigarettes. Clearly. Whatever. I don't want to talk about this any more.
I've been watching the true renter of my apartment's dvds of the third season of The Office and laughing a lot which is nice. Then yesterday I went to put in the fourth, and final, disc and tragedy! it was not there! It is missing! I have watched the fourth season, so it's not like I don't know the main story points but I've never seen the episodes that get you there and The Office is hardly about story, it's about laughs...and that I want to work in an office an have witty dialogue and prankster behavior with a tall dude named Jim.
Sigh. Another addiction.
Dinner In,
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Brief Glories
Italian Market
On Saturday I went to the Italian Market. I did this because I wanted to do something and I hoped to find a fish market that had soft shell crabs. I now know where to go for all my kangaroo and heirloom turkey needs. Which is pretty cool because one of these days I'd like to cook some rather ridiculously weird meat.

Two fish markets had crabs but not soft shell ones. This was disappointing to me until I found the biggest of the three, the one that is also a restaurant, and lucky ducky me! Were they the best specimens I'd ever seen? No. But they were still alive and I got three of them...then they were dead.
The DiBruno Bros. House of Cheese will be a dangerous place if I ever have money...I walked into the very narrow, very crowded store and was overwhelmed with happiness....cured meats, olives and cheese, cheese, cheese. I then got myself out before I was tempted to buy things with money I didn't have. Sigh. Money sucks.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Three Satisfying Books
When I went and signed up for library rights at the Philadelphia Free Library I quickly felt a little bit more sane than I had up until then. I was watching too much television, not writing and not reading. Now I'm not watching that much television, not writing but I am reading and it makes me feel a lot better about my overall self. Kind of. Any way my maiden checking out of books was pretty glorious. I checked out four and read three of them, the other-though praised by Nick Hornby- is in epic poem form and, frankly, I don't care to read it if it's going to be all epic poem-y in form, thank you very much. But I did read The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao. This book is pretty satisfying, as books go. You get a number of different character perspectives, a whole heck of learning about the Dominican Republic's history (especially the Trujillo years) and a good read. I wanted to read it after listening to Terri Gross interview Junot Diaz months and months ago but I could never quite remember the title of the book when I was in a position to be looking for new reading material. A strange thing that happened was that I found that I had read a small excerpt of the book at some point...I think probably in one of C. and T's pile of New Yorkers...but had assumed that the author was female (due to the specific excerpt being about a girl and her mother and, uh, I thought Junot was a girl's name because of my ignorance?).
Last Night at the Lobster is kind of like Nicholson Baker's Box of Matches but not as perfect. Nothing really happens. Actually, that's really the main similarity. Box of Matches is told in first person while Lobster is not. Box of Matches riffes and whatnot far more. It's that they're both quiet books with no big drama. I like these kinds of books because they seem more like life to me.
Richard Russo, oh you the man who likes to write stories about dudes who would never write books like you do. Bridge of Sighs gets off to a pretty slow start but at some point picks up...that or I sat down and read a huge chunk of it on Saturday and not constantly interrupting myself allowed more interest to form. As always he's writing about people living in a small town near some factory or another that is no longer in operation but its effects are still felt. Once again he writes a protagonist who isn't stupid but isn't particularly smart either. Maybe that's an unkind assessment of Lou, "Lucy", Lynch but...well...yeah, it seems like that's what Russo is going for. These 'everymen'. Noble in their desire for simplicity. And then he writes these women who are smarter than the men but love them men anyway. This book is not Mohawk nor is it Empire Falls but it shares many a trait with both of them. And yet it's just different enough, the people the plot the town itself that even though I may have just written like I didn't like the similarities what I really meant was that I'm amazed how he can have so many similarities and still have such a different book.

Sunday, June 22, 2008
Zoo, Puppets and Blue Eyes
On Friday I went to the Elmwood Zoo with J. and her two sons S. and N. You might recall them from my visit to Philadelphia. The reason we went there was to watch a purported puppet show. It turned out to be a lady with some stuffed animals singing very slightly altered versions of popular kids' songs. It seemed to keep the kids' attentions for the most part though S. certainly didn't want to stay for the whole thing...but then there was ice cream at the end of the puppet tunnel.

The ice cream in question was, well, pretty lame. It came from the zoo's little cafe. There were four possible flavors. I went with a flavor called something like 'celebratory sundae'. It was cookies and cream with peanutbutter. It took the team behind the counter an inordinately long time to scoop together our three cones. I mean a really, really unbelievably long time...and then the result was a sub-par scoop of ice cream. Really. I mean. Whatever.
S. liked his birthday cake flavored ice cream.

The zoo was in Norristown, a suburb of Philadelphia full of a large number of extremely unattractive and unfortunate looking people...or at least all the people we saw on the streets fit this description.
Seems childbirth is going to be a breeze for me. Speaking of childbirth, I've been meaning to give a bit shout out/congratualations to No-Longer Wayward and her parental partner D. on the nine pound plus bundle of joy that came into their lives not so long ago.
Work Salad
Beer and Fries c/o My Employer and The Belgian Cafe
Bean Curd Made By a Pock Marked Woman
Very interesting stuff, this. I think I'd order that before Mapo Tofu any day, I mean, I'd want to know all about it, you know?
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Living La Vida Nightmare
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Lunch c/o Sabrina's Cafe
I Made Something!
One of My Favorite Things
I Wish It Were So
Dinner In,
Monday, June 16, 2008
Ernie's Texas Lunch, The Real Deal
As I previously mentioned, my mother's family has been frequenting Ernie's Texas Lunch since before I was born. Back in the day I usually had a cheeseburger and soup. But some time between when Ernie's was a more regular part of my yearly life and, well, now? I developed a greater appreciation for a hotdog. The components of Ernie's Texas dog with that of the Chambersburg "Historic Texas Lunch" are similar: a dog, mustard, chili and chopped white onions. Where Ernie's pulls ahead, as my mother mentioned and I confirmed, is in the dog and bread department. Ernie's uses a more serious roll, a little heftier and of better quality. The same can be said for their dog. My mother's main complaint about Chambersburg's version was that it was just a regular hot dog...whereas Ernie's dogs are plumper, more flavorful and actually grilled. The grilling is key. Makes it better all around. Though I agree, Ernie's onions are kind of out of control. And, though I've come around to the whole hotdog world...I'm still not sure if I really need chili on my hotdog. Just not sure, folks, pretty unclear about the whole darn thing.
Ernie's does win though.
Oh and I've read a few books. You'll hear about them later, don't you worry.
Oh and I've read a few books. You'll hear about them later, don't you worry.
A Little Monumental Pause
On Wednesday Duckie, Ambassador Iron Face and I headed back towards Philly. My father's situation had been stabilized and, well, I do actually have a job. I decided to not get directly on 81, instead I thought it'd be nice to at least drive through Gettysburg proper. I, once again, went against my natural inclination to drive down country roads and/or take the long, long way back to Philadelphia. But I did stop at one set of monuments right on the way into town. Look how I made this one look like it could be some sort of craaaazy postcard!

Hello Ruby
My mother and I returned to digs closer to the hospital on Tuesday. We went from a Holiday Inn Express, to the cousins and then to Four Points Sheraton. Next to the Four Points was a Ruby Tuesday Restaurant. After a long day of making sure my father didn't do himself any additional damage after a test, we went to dinner at this Ruby Tuesday. I had never been to this particular establishment before. I was expecting it to be a little more TGIF/Applebees than it turned out to be...this may be because it was a weekday or something...but this expectation not being met is actually not a bad thing. It was quiet and lacked in tacky-ness. We both had ultimate margaritas that tasted good.
I had the two mini-slider with salad bar option. The little burgers weren't bad but they weren't good either. You know how that goes. The fries were pretty good.
My mother declared the salad bar one of the best she had seen in a long, long time...everything fresh and appealing-looking as opposed to crumbled, old and gross. I'd have to, overall, agree with her.
Dinner Out,
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