Thursday, September 20, 2007

Yum, Yum, Evil Dick What?

Later on Tuesday M. Lady came over for wine, pizza and the finale of Big Brother 8. Earlier that day I had gone to the grocery store and was entirely amazed to find heirloom tomatoes. Now, for sure, there wasn't as big a selection or as fresh a bunch of tomatoes as a farmer's market (sigh I haven't made it to a single farmer's market this summer...well, except for in Tennessee). So, of course, I had to get some. So when M. Lady arrived, after we went to the dog park with the dogs....I cut a tomato up, splashed a little olive oil, Balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper and mozzarella cheese on it...if I had basil I would have used it, but I did not.
We ordered a 14 inch pan pizza with pineapple, black olive and extra cheese from Art of Pizza. It was very good, though very thick. I forgot that with them you can order a thin crust and still have a relatively thick one. All good, all good. And boy was I surprised by Big Brother's winner.

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