Goodness. I have no idea when I ate this. Maybe Thursday? A bit of the smoked salmon Tonguethruster brought home with her, pickled okra and capers. The strange thing about this is that when, a few hours later, I went into the fridge for some other tid bit of sustenance, I realized that the rest of the salmon from which I got this lovely nibble had disappeared. Tonguethruster wasn't home and I wasn't drunk nor cracked out. And yet, having searched in the trash, all over the refrigerator and in every room I had been in since eating the salmon, I could not find the package. The salmon disappeared. Into thin air. Really, I looked in the trash three times and in the pantry and at least six times in the fridge. I simply don't understand it.
Top of fridge?
Your salmon went the same place my package of turkey bacon went, vaporized, vamoosed, one minute in the fridge, next minute gone. Plastic bag the opened package was in (or had been in) was in the box with the other unopened flats of the stuff, but no opened package.
I think it is worse to lose salmon, caught by a friend and dragged thousands of miles home, than to lose turkey bacon. But it is still highly odd.
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