A blog that used to chronicle my Philadelphia eating life, then life working on a sheep farm in the PNW, and now life in rural Virginia.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
A Three Parter
Painted Whore,
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
And, To Recap
And now we're back to present day. End scene.
Snowy Escape
Eggplant Tomato
Still Searching For The Perfect Broccoli and Tofu
Catching Up
Last week I got downtown for my morning class early. This wasn't exactly by accident. I often arrive downtown early, always with the plan of getting some kind of edible treat that isn't very good for me. Usually, by the time I get to the loop, I manage to conquer the original urge for, say, a cheeseburger and simply get a tea from Cosi and half an hour to myself in the classroom. But last week the urge for a proper, diner-style breakfast was too much. So I stopped in to Beef and Brandy. I had the breakfast special (two eggs, one meat and coffee) done my way (poached eggs, sausage links). The eggs were cooked as I like though the sausage had much room for improvement. It was a nice, and different, way to start my day.
Later on I took this photograph from the Michigan SAIC building.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
So there are many meals that I have eaten since my last post. But, frankly, I'd rather show you some photos of what I saw this morning...the car in question is mine.

Somebody threw a bottle through my car. It's Sunday and no auto shop is open. If I was Veronica Mars I'd take the bottle and bring it around to all the local convenience stores and ask a) do they carry this beverage, b) do they remember selling this beverage to any person or c) do they have surveillance cameras. Then I would get a description of the person who bought the beverage and I'd get a sample of their DNA (or maybe just a finger print) and compare it to the DNA (fingerprint) on the bottle and then I would taser them and bring them to the police station. Then Logan and I would have a fight but then I'd realize I couldn't live without him and he'd realize that I had made him a better person and he couldn't go back to his bum fighting/hard drinking/married woman sexing ways.
That is, of course, if I was Veronica Mars.
That is, of course, if I was Veronica Mars.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007

"If everything goes according to plan, I'll be up to my ears in tomatoes of all colors and shapes, choking on fresh tomatoes with mozzarella and and drowning in gazpacho, floating in a bath of tomato puree with big tomato steaks covering my eyes. I'll be sipping Bloody Marys, surrounded by women in tomato bikinis dropping cherry tomatoes into my mouth while fanning me with over-sized tomato foliage."
One Last Post/Procrastination
I so don't want to do what I ought to...thus lots of posts.
Ipod Procrastination Shuffle:
Level-The Raconteurs
Mary-Scissor Sisters
Farewell Ride-Beck
Stuff Me Up-Peaches
Ojos Asi-Shakira
Na Na Na Na Naa-Kaiser Chiefs
Blue Lagoon-Laurie Anderson
Dramamine-Modest Mouse
Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic-The Police
Ipod Procrastination Shuffle:
Level-The Raconteurs
Mary-Scissor Sisters
Farewell Ride-Beck
Stuff Me Up-Peaches
Ojos Asi-Shakira
Na Na Na Na Naa-Kaiser Chiefs
Blue Lagoon-Laurie Anderson
Dramamine-Modest Mouse
Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic-The Police
Fickle, Strange Blogger

Frustration Trumps Photography
I've been trying to upload a photograph that includes the ultimate Queen of the competition...but blogger really hates the file and I give up. This is where the pageant was held. By the time we got there our friend had already been eliminated. We stayed around and watched as slews of attractive girls stood, silently, on stage then got off of the stage and talked to the thirty or so judges...then disappeared just to, in slightly smaller numbers, reappear on the stage, silently, then talk to the thirty or so judges. I think this happened three times and in between those times a dude tried to entertain us with words I couldn't quite understand and the occasional murmuring along with whatever Irish song the Irish musical group on stage was playing. It was interesting and boring all at the same time.
Ina's and Oprah
Monday, February 19, 2007
She Who Gets Older
Friday, February 16, 2007
That's what I thought about as I made She-Who's cake ... some dude almost ten years ago ate my birthday cake and I was sad. Sheesh
Gift Basket You Say?
Yesterday I had class and grad projects. Class is this thing that happens for three hours. Grad projects is this other thing that happens for one hour. It, technically, should be referred to as Graduate Projects. The class and the grad project both went well. In the class we talked about Marilyn Robinson's book Housekeeping. We watched parts of the movie version, mostly in fast forward and silence. The grad project was good. I realize I know a fair amount of my characters but not all of it comes across through my writing. Which means, astoundingly, more writing. I came home and there was a box by our mailboxes. It had my name on it! I took it up to the apartment and opened it. Inside was a basket filled with Harry and David goodness. Apples, pears, chocolate covered cherries, cheese and more were waiting for me when I got home!
I have already eaten an apple, a fair amount of the cherries and two truffles. It's dangerous this basket. It's dangerous in a brilliant, wonderful way. Thank you to Bear and Mackey's owner for such a thoughtful and sunshiney spot of my day.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Snowy Yesterday (And Still)
Yesterday was my "early" day. I woke up by seven and was out of the house by seven thirty so that I could get to my nine o'clock class with time to spare (time to do reading for my Thursday class). It was crazy snowing. Though not a blizzard it was intense, especially downtown where the tall buildings encourage strong wind that, then, brings massive amounts of snow straight into one's eyeballs causing them to tear up and be temporarily blind.
This is the view of the 55 Monroe building from the ninth floor of the SAIC Michigan building. You can't tell, but it's snowing...I blame the dirty window.
This was my carbohydrate heavy breakfast: Dunkin Donuts everything bagel with smoked salmon cream cheese.
The snow let up a little after class. Though it was enough for my grad advisor to reschedule our noon meeting.

Our ashtray got lost in the snow and I got obsessed with it.
I decided I needed photographs of myself in the snow. But I was home alone, so this was the best I could do. I think the snow is more of an assumed atmosphere than a presence.

Looking through a chink in the new snow wall at night.
Oh yes, and it's still snowing...in a flurry fat flake kind of way. It makes it very unlikely that I will go to the grocery store for any thing I might need.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Breaky Breaky Break Your Fast
Now That's A Lasagna!
Dumpling Love
I've been thinking about my cursory way of describing food. I only use three or four adjectives with any regularity and they are: tasty, satisfying, yummy and good. There are moments when I wish I could assign more descriptive or flourishy adjectives on the meals I eat. Adjectives like: orgasmic, mind-blowing, satiating, stupendous and velvety. Maybe not velvety...or orgasmic...though you never know. I find myself enjoying food. I find myself writing about food. But I don't find, within myself, a natural and expanded language for this interest. I probably won't change.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
I Ponder
Who, exactly, is it that buys Red Hot Chili Peppers albums these days?
Friday, February 09, 2007
Two Locations, One Night
Yesterday I had class. Then I had home time with the Gilmore Girls. Then I had a bus ride down to Wicker Park for a writing department get together at Innertown Pub. There was pizza but I didn't eat any of it. The Writing Department footed (foot?) the bill for us all to drink whatever we wanted for about an hour and a half. I had beer called Hofbrau or something...house frau? I tore myself away from the good time at Innertown so I could represent at the Chicagoist thingy at The Double Door.
When I first got to the second location I started regretting leaving the first. At the first there was noise but not so much that you couldn't have a conversation with those around you. Of course the entire point of the event was live music, so really I'm just a curmudgeon. But I stuck it out, partially because if I left Double Door I'd no longer be on the list (they won't let you go outside...once you're out you're out or something) and I wasn't actually sure anyone was left at the other locale. The music, as I mentioned, was loud. Loud but good. I have no idea which band I took a photograph of. When I got home (relatively early...kind of) my ears continued to ringggg ringggg ringgg.

But it was fun. Chicagoist writers are funny and nice.
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