Monday, May 14, 2007

Rellenos and Margaritas at Fiesta Mexicana

Since school ended (this past Thursday) I've been finding myself at a loss. I apply to the occasional job and walk to the occasional store but I haven't done much else. This is fine with me most of the time. Because not much else equals staying at home watching television shows or movies on the internet. It's relaxing and it's free. But then suddenly I'll find myself fed up. This inevitably leads me to call the boyfriend and try to make him entertain me or at least listen to the blatherful blatherings of someone who has just watched seven episodes of 'How I Met Your Mother" in a row (funny show, that). The boyfriend is very patient with me. But, in the end, he can't really play with me let alone accompany me to a restaurant and socialize me. On Friday I had come to just such a turn in the road, having exhausted the boyfriend and myself in a rambling conversation about this, that, the other thing, the thing just like that other thing and then that one thing over there. I hung up the phone. I asked around for people interested in Mexican and lo and behold No Longer Wayward SAICer took me up on it! And to Fiesta Mexicana we went. I have been there twice before. The food isn't blow-your-mind good but it's not I-am-totally-disheartened-and-sick bad either. We ordered a pitcher of margaritas. I had the mariachi combination, which is what I had the last time. Chille relleno, tostada and cheese quesadilla. The guacamole was good, I thought. And Chille relleno still pleased me. I could have taken or left the quesadilla and most of the tostada. I will keep all the margarita, thank you.
Also the last time I posted here I remarked that I thought we got a free shot at the end of our meal and I conjectured it was because I was taking photographs. It seems that I was wrong about that. Most everyone got them with their checks. What do I know? Not much.

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