When I went to visit the boyfriend and his family in Georgia a lot of the first season of Lost was watched. The usual suspects/watchers included the boyfriend's sister and about six cousins ranging in age from 8ish to 27ish. I am about to tell a story involving the boyfriend's two youngest cousins, let's call them Walkerboy and Jumperboy (those names make little sense). Walker was about eleven and Jumper was about eight. Good kids with their own sense of selves and what not. Anyways. So one night we're watching an episode of Lost, it's the one where we learn about Boone's habit of running to Shannon when she seems to be in trouble and paying off the men who are making the trouble. So we're watching and we're watching and then there's this scene in a hotel room where Shannon comes and tells Boone she's been playing him...ie splitting the money with the men. Shannon is drunk. Anyways the point is she comes up to Boone and says something to the effect of 'I know you've always loved me' and Boone says something to the effect of 'nuh uh'. Then she starts kissing and sucking on his ear a little bit (I tried to get the actual shot of this but couldn't find it online) and there is a close up of Boone's face: his eyes have rolled up in his head a little bit, he's frowning but also licking his lips--this dude is conflicted with pleasure.
And Jumper, at seeing this scene, says:
Wait, is he bored or is he happy?
I laughed and laughed.
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