My favorite part of the Golden Globes is, by far, watching super famous people in extremely fancy outfits having to scoot between chairs and tables to get an award. I saw Gena Davis, Johnathan Rhys Myers, that lady from Law & Order, Reese Witherspoon and others scoot scoot along. My favorite part was when my friend L-Dawg's uncle Hugh Laurie won an was almost like I was there.

The other day I watched Their Eyes Were Watching God. Not a terrible adaptation of a book, I must say. Though, and I'm sure you see this coming, the book is worth reading more than the movie is worth watching. Somehow Teacake's character doesn't come across as well in the movie, he's still a good guy but his full wonderful-ness is missing. And that goes for Janey the main character as well, though props to Halley Berry for looking pretty all the time.

Last night I picked up the boyfriend from O'Hare and drove him home. Today I want to go on some sort of adventure I mean leaving the neighborhood, seeing something new, watching a movie and eating somewhere...but it seems like a dreary day for an adventure. We shall see.
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