Ak moved to Utah a few months back, but she was in town last week. She asked me if I'd like to watch a Phillies game at McKenna's, as we had done the previous two years, but I was about to embark on a drive southward, and felt that McKenna's would probably lead to a rough start to that morning drive. So we met up at
Pub n' Grub instead. L. joined us and we split jalepeno poppers and wings, all of which were good enough. This was the night of the Phillies almost not winning against the Reds...but then winning. We sat outside on their nice deck, with views of the television screens and the jubilant Phillies fans, but with a bit more peace and quiet, and breathing room, than we would have found on the inside. It was a good evening. It was nice to see Ak and speak unnecessary truths, as often happens with the two of us. I stayed out a little later than I wanted, and had one more beer than I really meant to, but still, in all, I got to bed at a respectable time and was able to get up and out at a decent hour the next morning.
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