Sunday, July 26, 2009

Me, Me, Me, It's All About Me

After eating and sitting for a bit, I decided to brave the waters. The water was cold and it took a while for me to be ready to fully immerse myself. The surface started out sandy then seemed comprised of a lot of the rock we had been sitting on's underparts. Weird way to put it, but accurate. It was nice that the floor wasn't mucky (while I like the feel of mud between my toes in theory, I do not so much like it in practice) nor made up of a lot of smaller rocks (I always worry about what is under those smaller rocks). This meant that I could find a nice smooth chunk of rock to perch myself upon.
But sometimes I would pose for a picture and then the current would push me over and I would look like this.
Ideally, though, I would look like this all the time.
At a later point in time M. went downstream to investigate a thing or two while I decided to pose for the camera a lot.
Here I'm pretending that I'm looking at something mysterious and interesting over there...and I might be glad to see it.
Here I'm pretending that something funny just happened over there (nothing funny happened).
Here I am being an idiot.
Here I am also being an idiot.
Here I am pretending to look at someone over there while pretending that either a) I am giving myself bunny ears or b) that my arm is not connected to my body and someone else is giving me bunny ears...and regardless of which option, I am not pleased.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your great lol!
Love raya