Saturday, June 06, 2009

House Chipmunk

Earlier this week I took a picture, or two, of the house.

A little while later I was inside doing something when Zul ran like a cat out of hell towards one of the back doors. For anyone who has spent any time with this particular cat, you know that running isn't, generally speaking, a big part of Zul's personality. I took notice and went to investigate. Turns out a little chipmunk had found its way into the house and Zul had cornered it quite effectively. I grabbed the massive cat and threw him into the bathroom, my mind racing for easy solutions for getting a terrified chipmunk out of the house without being bitten or attacked. Turns out that getting rid of the cat was all the prompting the chipmunk needed, it raced out the door from which it entered making a particularly high pitched squealing noise as it went. It then spent some quality time catching its breath by the bird bath.
J.D made an excellent point later that day when he asked why it was that most people find chipmunks cute while they aren't overly fond of squirrels and rats. My answer? Chip and Dale. Screw Alvin and those punkass chipmunks.

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