Wednesday, June 24, 2009

B. and L.'S Wedding, Part 3: The Mother Lode

Because a bride and groom can never have too many photographs taken at their wedding...
This begins the dancing part of the evening, which I also participated in (ironically, of course, and with no photographic evidence to support it happening).

The pig prop from the photobooth got around for sure.
Find the bride in this photograph.

Too lazy to make right, sorry.
C. and I made friends with this little girl.
Again, I'm lazy.
I forget what prompted this, but it was great.

C. tried to a similar move to T.
But may or may not have only ended up showing him her's unclear.

The couple had no privacy, not even in the santified space of a photobooth.

Most disturbing picture of the night by far.
Again, why M. Lady s touching L.'s boob escapes me.

And that's that. I had a great time and it was just lovely to see so many familiar faces. A little weird in my own heart and head, but in the bigger picture just fantastic. I would go to this wedding all the time.


Lindsay said...

we were so glad you could make it!! and now i'm so glad you took pictures - you got some good ones! also, mary never needs a reason to fondle me jimjims.


Benjamin said...

greatest pictures lindsay and ben pictures of alltime? I say yes

m.lady said...

yes, I have lifetime dibs on fondling L.

addie09 said...

Good pics! I'm the one with the squishy boobs in pic 5 and also the sister of the flat chested bride. Good times and great pics!!