Last weekend I went to DSW to get a new pair of sneakers, and maybe a pair of heels or something. I ended up getting this pair of shoes.

But I seriously considered this pair.

I liked it when a DSW woman came up to me and told me that photography wasn't allowed in their stores. The logic behind this escapes me entirely.
You made the right choice -- they are gorgeous!
Ooooh in the picture they look like ruby red shoes! You Go Dorothy. And what is up with the no pix policy?
I may have to trot my sick-of-my-shoes feet right on over to our local DSW and see (A) if they have something I can't live without (this is not hard to accomplish), (B) if said must-have fits in the budget (this is a bit harder to accomplish), (C) if I can pry the shoe lovin' teen's hands off the stilletos in hot pink patent leather (or whatever color), and (D) if I can take a picture!
I was not overwhelmed by the floral ones; too hard to match. I did get a wild pair of spikey little sling backs that I adore..Ok off to save the economy: Shoes and solo kayaks here I come!
i love both pairs; especially the hotness of the second pair. also, i filmed inside kroger once and was told this was illegal. but i did it anyway...
I love them both but the first pair especially.
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