Sunday, October 22, 2006

Themed Potluck

Yesterday I made a pumpkin soup to write up for Chicagoist. I will not show you the soup because I have yet to write up the post and I usually like them to be simultaneous (what?). It was actually quite kismetic that I planned on making pumpkin soup because the boyfriend and I were invited to a pumpkin/gourd/apple themed, Vassarite sponsored, pot luck on Saturday. So I was able to make the soup and then foist it off on other people...I didn't actually like the soup, though all those at the potluck who spoke to me said they did.
Others brought: salads with apples, chicken, butternut squash soup, pumpkin seed brittle, sweet potato pie, apple pie and pumpkin pie.
The boyfriend and I weren't sure about attending this event since we're not, actually, very familiar with the host who threw it. And, well, new people scare us. But I thought that it would be good to meet some new people and have more conversations with these Vassar types. I was right, it was a nice evening complete with a strange run-in.

The boyfriend and I got to the potluck on time and were one of a just a few people there (we didn't know anybody but the host). A little later on a girl and a guy came in and I had a very strong feeling that I had, if not actually met him before, seen and heard this guy talk. But since he didn't seem to give me a doubletake I assumed it was in my head. But when, ten minutes later, the boyfriend also commented on his familiarity, I decided that there was a mystery and it needed to be solved. I asked the dude if he went to Vassar, he hadn't. I asked him what he was doing in Chicago, I forget if he answered the question. I was going to ask something else when it all suddenly made sense....A few weeks back player with words had a birthday party. It was a well attended party, most of the wine night crowd showed up as did a number of first year MFAWers. One of the first years brought a friend who had recently moved from Oxford to Chicago. And this friend was the dude at the potluck. This is strange and interesting to me because of the bare thread that connected me to this most recent party and the bare thread that connected the dude to the other one. I guess it's rare (for me) to see random people twice.

1 comment:

Player of words said...

in the end ...everyone is connected to me ;-)