A blog that used to chronicle my Philadelphia eating life, then life working on a sheep farm in the PNW, and now life in rural Virginia.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Lizard? Skink? Salamander...I don't think salamander
Lambert? Lambchop? Lambrib?
Brunch At Pearl's
On Sunday my father suggested we brunch it up at Pearl's. I was all for it because I remembered having a pretty good Bloody (must I capitalize Bloody?) Mary there the last time I did brunch (which was, like, four years ago). So we went. At first we were seated inside. My father wanted to sit outside. We weren't promptly greeted by our server which is just as well since it gave us the time for people to leave an outside table and for us to insist on getting that table. Our meal started with warm mini-biscuits or mini-corn muffins, butter and jam.
We all had ourselves a bloody Mary. Bloody Mary? Last time they had olives in addition to a pickled something-er-other pepper and celery. This time the olive was missing. But still good.
I had the eggs benedict...Eggs Benedict? And I would have taken a better photograph than this but the camera died and though I thought I had another fully charged set of batteries when it got down to it I did not.
The Hollandaise sauce was good. The ham was good. The Potatoes were good. It was a little strange that on both and my father's plate we had one fully/over cooked egg (ie the yolk was entirely solid and not liquidy) and one perfectly cooked poached egg. How this happened, or why, is a mystery. It was, by far, regardless of all my snits and sneepies, the best breakfast I've had in a while. We also ended our meal (well my mother and I did) with a "Cold Buttery Kiss". A drink consisting of butterscotch schnapps, Bailey's and cream. I don't think I'm missing anything. The drink was tasty and rich. My father had an Irish coffee. I don't know how that was because I didn't taste it. He drank it though.
Worst Picture Ever
Come Alone...Little Doggie
Graveyard Visit
Out and About,
Sunday, July 29, 2007
I Thought Of Another One
Well, I ate some food today worth showing but the library is closed on Sundays. Ah well.
Anyway...I just thought of another job I wouldn't mind:
AAA (triple A) tourbook person...like finding out about hotels and restaurants and whatnot then writing succinct descriptions about them. I think I would enjoy that very much.
Anyway...I just thought of another job I wouldn't mind:
AAA (triple A) tourbook person...like finding out about hotels and restaurants and whatnot then writing succinct descriptions about them. I think I would enjoy that very much.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Other Jobs I Would Like...Having Thought About It
1. Writing up dogs for petfinder.com
2. Making the behind the scenes/special features footage for DVDs
3. Reading manuscripts for anybody...not so much editing them as reading them and being like...hmmm, I think this is good maybe somebody else should edit and publish it.
4. Owning a restaurant/creating its menu...but not actually making the food
5. Video store!
6. I wouldn't mind reviewing restaurants as long as I didn't have to use bunches of analogies/metaphors/purply prose type comparisons.
7. Personal assistant to some famous not crazy person.
8. Caretaker of an estate...of course I wouldn't be able to do carpentry/plumbing or electric....but I could make sure no one stole any thing and I would clean the furniture regularly.
That's it for now...kinda makes you wonder why I went to college...or grad school.
2. Making the behind the scenes/special features footage for DVDs
3. Reading manuscripts for anybody...not so much editing them as reading them and being like...hmmm, I think this is good maybe somebody else should edit and publish it.
4. Owning a restaurant/creating its menu...but not actually making the food
5. Video store!
6. I wouldn't mind reviewing restaurants as long as I didn't have to use bunches of analogies/metaphors/purply prose type comparisons.
7. Personal assistant to some famous not crazy person.
8. Caretaker of an estate...of course I wouldn't be able to do carpentry/plumbing or electric....but I could make sure no one stole any thing and I would clean the furniture regularly.
That's it for now...kinda makes you wonder why I went to college...or grad school.
I've Got Me A New Bag
Not Tim Curry, Chicken Curry
Notice the difference of these two hypothetical conversations...
Hypothetical conversation #1.
Setting: A cocktail party or dinner hosted by my parents and attended by their various friends.
Lady Friend: So, cc's mom what's your daughter up to these days?
CC's Mom: Well, she recently got her MFA in writing up in Chicago.
Lady Friend: That's great! That's exciting!
CC's Mom: Yes she seemed to enjoy her time there.
Lady Friend: So what's she doing now? Writing the great American novel? Living in some hip artistic community?
CC's Mom: Well, no. Actually, she's a postal worker.
Lady Friend: Oh. I see.
Hypothetical conversation #2.
Setting: The same.
The first five lines are the same.
CC's Mom: Well, she's a writer but you know how it is she's got student loans and she wants to buy a house so until she sells her novel she's working at a post office.
Lady Friend: That's so smart! It's good to be a bit practical while striving for creative perfection.
CC's Mom: Yes, I agree.
Okay those two examples aren't really as different as I meant them to be. But you see what I mean? I am a writer. I do write. But I'm not entirely certain that any novel of mine will ever make it into a bound form. This is just the truth. And I am certain that I am not really made to have some high powered job that is cool and interesting and fun. In the conversation with my parents I began reliving my days at the sheep farm...and missing them. The days were nice. My tasks were, for the most part, soothing. Using my hands, organizing, being almost entirely on my own. But with the occasional surprise when my boss turned up to say that the dogs had escaped, a new lamb was born, the sheep got out, whatever it was. And now I'm applying to these jobs where things won't be simple. I can do them. I may even do them well. But part of me really would like to find a nice small town and be a mail carrier or clerk or sorter (excellent benefits and not too shabby pay). The only problem is that one has to take an exam. Actually that's not the problem. The only problem is that there is often a one to two year wait period before you get a job and this is assuming you are in one of the top spots of aforementioned exam. You see, people in the postal world hold on to their jobs forever. Which means it would be very difficult for me to find a small town to work in. I mean to go to the post office on Monday and ask our local postal guy how the exam was and how it all works. I mean do I have to take the exam in the place I hope to be employed or can I take the exam and shout from the mountain/rooftops that I would move anywhere with open space and a cheap housing market if I could work in a post office?
Oh yes. After the library yesterday I came home to chicken curry. Made from the left over roast chicken...it was really good.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Lunch With Flowers
A Day
Last week I was cat-sitting. It was low impact cat-sitting since the cat (Lucy) had both a self service food bowl and water bowl. My main responsibility was to make sure her litter box was behaving properly and to water the plants. On Tuesday I met up with Lucy's owner at The Blue Chair for coffee, conversation and cash...oh and a blueberry muffin. We talked about the new Harry Potter and how to engage students in the act of reading...or something. I had a cafe au lait, with hazelnut flavoring. When I requested whole milk the woman at the register looked at me with a mixture of indifference, contempt and stubborness and said, firmly, that they had two percent. She said it in a way that I did not want to bother arguing with her. But, I mean really, it's a coffee house. They have cream, whole milk and skim milk to put into their regular coffee. Doesn't it seem sort of silly to deny me my extra percentage of milk fat? I do. The coffee was still good, didn't need sugar because of the hazelnut and the muffin was freshy.
After the cat socialization I returned home so that Mom and I could go to Huntsville, Alabama. Our goals were simple: get me a businessy suit so's I can apply to businessy kinds of jobs, go to Costco and stock up on all sorts of things. We first went to TJMaxx and another department store. At TJMaxx my mom found me a really nice bag/purse that I can fit my computer in and look like a grown up. I also got two blousy tops. And at the other department store (whose name I don't remember) we got me a suit my mother doesn't consider proper for job interviews. But it's cute. Our plan, after that, was to go to the Thai restaurant further down the shopping strip. I got excited as we walked by the windows and saw what other patrons were enjoying...they even seemed to have sushi. Unfortunately the excitement quickly became bitter disappointment and hunger pains when we got to the door and looked at the hours. Their lunch service stopped at two. It was two o' five. Bastards. Then we went to a mall to search for suits but with no luck. Then Costco. Then home. Except with a quick stop at a McDonalds. I had McNuggets though I was on the verge of having a chipotle snack wrap doo-dad. Then my mother got a speeding ticket. I considered asking the police officer if I could take a photograph of him...but I don't think my mother would have approved.
We got home around six, maybe seven. My father had made some tomato sauce and started water boiling for pasta. Those two things became our dinner.
Hey Chicky Baby
Waffle House Send Off
You know what I really miss? Dim sum.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Last night I also finished reading the new Harry Potter book. I will refrain from saying anything about it at this time. Though I will write something once I've read it for a second time. Then I had a strange dream filled with rather peripheral members of my past...a bartender, a high school acquaintance...and ten dollar gallons of organic milk in the strangests, darkest, scariest grocery store ever.
Did I mention I'm still looking for a job? Well, I am. And if you want to give me one, I'll take it if it includes health insurance. Consider it.
Dinner In,
Lunch In the Cove
Din Din
Cataclysmic Corn
Dip, Dinner, Dog and God Light
Dinner Out,
Out and About,
Hot Doggie
Friday, July 20, 2007
Nashville Sushi...Perhaps Technically Brentwood?
Same But Not Burnt
Press The Receiver, I'll Make You A Believer

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