After the beach and then lunch at Indian Pass Raw Bar (pitchers were three bucks!) the ebf and I drove around looking for places to fish. We stopped at one bridge and I caught a crab by dangling my hook baited with shrimp in its general direction. We didn't eat it but let it go instead. We stopped at another bridge closer to Port St. Joe and saw all sorts of wildlife…birds, crabs and snails mainly but also a herd of stingrays (I saw three, the ebf saw 12). After that we headed towards Mexico Beach (I think that's what the town was called) for oysters at Regans, a place my parents highly recommended. But when we got there they said it would be an hour before we'd get oysters and, frankly, it was almost too much of a hole-in-the-wall-biker-hangout-kind-of-place for me. Sorry parents, I'll never know what you know. Though, in retrospect, it probably would have been better to wait there then end up where we did.

We ended up at The Fish House Family restaurant which was also quite busy and I had what were to be the first disappointing soft shell crabs of my life. Ugh. You know that yellow stuff in soft shell crabs, a bit bitter in taste but okay in such small quantities? Yeah, the entire crab tasted like that. Yicky. Originally my plate came with three or four little crabs (which, according to general seafood wisdom, should have made them taste better) and then a bit later the waitress came back with two more crabs apologizing for not waiting for the order to be finished. Seriously disappointing fair. And the ebf ordered a dozen oysters and they came, get this, without shells floating in a bowl and looking entirely suspect for human consumption. I was mighty let down. And my shoulder hurt and my belly hurt. The night ended not with a nice walk in the beach and long cuddle with the boyfriend but with me curled up inside myself, ipod playing food podcasts and a general feeling of wanting to die.
Oh dear, you made a big mistake in not waiting for the oysters at Reagons! I don't understand how you could pass up a place we're raved about because it wasn't...whatever. Plus a place which chides D.C.C.by telling him "it's not all about you" gets points in my book. Oh how could you have passed by such a spot...maybe you went in the bar side? The other side was the serious sit at the oyster bar and let's eat those puppies side!
Lovely & yummy photos!
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