"Tennessee huh?"
"You're the only ten-I-see."
The conversation lasted, maybe, an additional forty five seconds. In which he told me never to go to Lancaster, Pennsylvania and I told him to have a nice night.
Even at my most attractive, which is not now, I was not hit on all that much. In bars I was usually with friends or clearly not interested. Walking down the street no one whistles or yells. I never take the train when it's crowded enough for a guy to feel like he can do a nudge, nudge wink, wink kind of thing. But gas station attendants are another story. I'm sure I'm not alone in this? In, let's see, four or five different states I've found myself being not-so-subtly hit on while trying to pay for gas, cigarettes or candy. I've had the 'haven't I seen you before' line and the 'you're too pretty to be that old' line and a number of others just as clever. But I'm thinking the one above really wins. What, exactly, the prize would be is a little unclear...a not-date with me, a smirk or incredulous stare...something like that. Though a trophy would be fun for the guy to have, some tailor made job with a little plastic replica of himself and his counter covered in faux-gold, and a plaque of some kind with a witty little summary like...um, something witty.
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