Classes have begun again in earnest. I had this hot dog, complete with tomatoes, pickles, cheese, mustard and ketchup after one of my classes...I don't remember which one or what day though. I had my first day of being the teacher type. I thought that, since it's a morning class, I'd bring donuts to the first class-you know break the ice and all that...none of the students were all that interested. In fact the only kids to take any took them after much prodding on my part. I'm worried about my ability to fill up three hours of class time in a way that will be good for both the kids and myself.

Another night the boyfriend made tomato sauce while I cooked some meatballs and sauteed zuchinni and squash all these things were topped off with a slice of muenster cheese. A bit of a mish mash of tastes but not so bad overall.
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