Saturday, December 24, 2005

No Photographs Make Me Sad

Yup. I have plenty of images but no way to upload them. So this is going to be a big block of text...and I know what happens with big blocks of text, they get skimmed like clarified butter. Oh well.

First off. I've been sleeping way too late. Today I got out of bed around 10:30 okay actually it was 10:45. The father was looking out our big (and I mean really big, taller than seven feet) window into the woods. There were about eight deer just chilling. Usually we can see deer around her but during the winter months it becomes kind of crazy...this is because the town allows bowhunting and, in more remote parts of the mountain) shotgun hunting in order to cull the deer population. These deer seemed rather smart because the bowhunters aren't allowed to let those arrows (or whatever) fly near houses. The deer looked almost grey.

Tennessee. A good place to read. Since arriving here on Tuesday I have read Ann Patchett's Truth and Beauty a book about her friendship with writer Lucy Grealy. I read it in about twenty four hours. As a writer I think I found the trajectory of both their careers to be the most interesting part...Iowa-->fellowhips-->publication-->fellowships, etc. But it is also the story of Grealy's face, a face destroyed by radiation treatment for jaw cancer. Overall it's not a very happy book and it made me think about what friendship really is, without coming to any conclusions.

I also read Ian McEwan's Amsterdam. A very quick read and very much a modern parable/farce. Enjoyable and a little bit unpredictable....though ultimately I felt like I had seen the end coming for too long.

Now I'm reading, simultaneously, Lucy Grealy's account of her life and face and another one of Sara Paretsky's lovely V.I. Warshawski novels.

Last night I made artichoke dip for company and they loved it.

Meals you will eventually see:
High Point Restaurant: oysters rockefeller, salad, salmon
Papa Ron's: Pizza
Home: Lamb chops, spinach and potatoes Anna.

Happy Holidays and shizz.

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